Schott Services provides a service like none other...shrub removal! We can remove any shrub or bush in your landscape, but specifically enjoy tearing out overgrown yew bushes! Have you ever tried hand digging yew bushes? Or, using your pickup trucks back bumper with a chain? And, what were the results?
Pain, frustration, insanity, broken heart to name a few...but Schott Services has a solution! Watch owner John Schott simply pluck those nasty yew bushes out of the customer landscape with his Vermeer 925 mini skid steer. As if he were plucking a dandelion from your yard. Save the frustrations, save the heartache and/or save your marriage! Call John Schott to remove yew bushes, unwanted shrubbery, small trees, brush piles, undergrowth in your woods, clear your fenceline and your pocketbook! No, no just kidding! We offer high quality service in the greater Indianapolis area for landscape removal, shrub removal and bush removal. We offer these services at fair and competitive pricing. And, with each and every job you pay at completion of job and when you are 100% satisfied!
We are NOT fly by night. We are family owned and operated, local business, Indy born & raised landscape removal company. Our goal is your satisfaction and to save your back!
Call or text 317-784-8760 or email at
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