Trampolines are fun, but after a while the springs begin to rust from exposure to rain and the elements. Since the entire mechanism of a trampoline is dependent on the springs, it’s no good when they rust. Rust makes springs become brittle and seize up, preventing them from extending and contracting freely. This renders the trampoline useless because it can no longer effectively store and release the energy from someone jumping on it. Rusted trampoline springs also pose another issue. The springs may crack under the stress from the weight of one or multiple people jumping on the trampoline. When trampoline springs break, it never ends well. Look up trampoline fails on YouTube and you will understand the danger of rusty trampoline springs. If you have an old or rusty trampoline you want hauled, make sure to contact Schott Services for a free estimate on a trampoline or other sports equipment removal. We’re #1 rated on Google as the best junk removal and landscaping company based in the greater Indianapolis area, and you can contact us at 317-784-8760 (call or text) or
The customer has an old trampoline that has begun to rust. In order to haul it away, we need to disassemble it. This is no problem for us at Schott Services, as trampoline removals are one of the most common requests we get. The first thing to do is take down the protective mesh surrounding the trampoline. The mesh is attached to the support beams of the trampoline with a series of hooks, and all we need to do to take this mesh off is lift the protective mesh off the hooks like you would lift your coat off of its hook. After the mesh is down, the next step of this trampoline removal is to take off the circular canvas protecting the springs of the trampoline. We lift the canvas off from the trampoline and undo the knots that connect it to the support beams.
After we haul away the protective netting and the print cover, next up for disassembly is the springs themselves. These springs are designed so that after installation the tension keeps them from unlinking. But with some strength and some pliers it’s possible to unlink the springs from the trampoline, and that’s what we do. We unlink each and every one of the springs from the trampoline and stick them, along with the trampoline’s ladder, in an industrial trash can for transportation.
Now it’s time for the fun part. If you were watching the video, you may have noticed the buzz saw waiting in the background. If you did, good eye. Now it’s time to put that saw to use. We saw through the metal frame of the trampoline to isolate the support beams from the round inner-frame. After each beam is separated, we pull out the beams from the ground and load all the parts of the old trampoline onto our truck, leaving nothing but a patch of underdeveloped grass left as a reminder of the old trampoline.
After reading this, you might be thinking that doing a trampoline removal is easy. Unfortunately, it’s not. In reality even a simple job like this is a lot of work and is somewhat dangerous because of the tense springs that could go off at any time. So instead of risking your health, let the pros handle it for you. We at Schott Services have over 20 years experience in junk hauling and landscaping, and we will do any job like this for a reasonable price. Get in touch with us at or at 317-784-8760 for a free estimate.