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  • Writer's pictureJohn Schott

Lumpy Topsoil Turned Smooth As Butter!

Our customer today wants some new dirt spread over his yard. We will cover the old dirt and grass so new plants can be grown on top. The new topsoil will provide better nutrients than the old dirt ever could. We at Schott Services are pros at laying down soil and other landscaping materials, so if you live in the greater Indianapolis area and need something spread on your yard, get in touch with us at at 317-784-8760 (call or text) or for a free price estimate.

The topsoil we’re using today gets dropped off by a dump truck. Watching the soil tumble from the truck into a heap on the ground is very satisfying. Slow the video down to 0.25x if you want to see the soil fall in real-time. After it has all been placed down, we start up our mini skid steer, the Vermeer S925TX. With a carrying capacity of 925 pounds, this capable machine can easily shovel this dirt and spread it on our customer’s yard. Speaking of shoveling, the attachment we use to get the dirt from the pile onto the yard is our mini skid steer bucket, which is useful for shoveling of course, but also for moving bricks and landscaping equipment. We use the bucket to shovel all the dirt from the heap onto our customer’s yard.

As you can see in the video, the topsoil we use is pretty lumpy. The reason this happens is because dirt contracts when it dries out. When there isn’t any moisture inside it, the dirt forms clumps. This is fine when the dirt is being stored, but when we’re spreading dirt out, obviously clumping isn’t good.

There’s a simple solution to our lumpy dirt problem. Use a leveler! This tool is an attachment for our mini skid steer which uses three parallel blades to smooth out any rough surface. We weave back and forth over the new topsoil with the leveler to make the soil flat. This is how we level our customer’s yard. If you need new soil put down on your yard, reach us at 317-784-8760 or for a free estimate on price.


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